XX-Point Cyber-Security Audit
Gives You Complete Peace Of Mind:

At no cost or obligation, our highly trained team of IT pros will come to your office and conduct a comprehensive Cyber-Security Audit to uncover loopholes in your company's online security.

We'll give you answers to critical questions such as:

  • Do you have a "Unified Threat Management" system in place to truly protect you from hackers, cyber-criminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage by rogue employees? Has your current IT person even explained to you what a Unified Threat Management system is?
  • Is your current IT company applying security patches for known vulnerabilities at least WEEKLY? If you're not getting a weekly report confirming this, probably not.
  • Are your employees' mobile devices properly secured? Can you lock or wipe the data from mobile devices and laptops if lost or stolen? Do you limit or at least monitor the mobile apps your employees download? Mobile apps are another big way hackers gain access.
  • Do you have a written Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for employees that details what they can and cannot do with company-owned devices and Internet access? Are employees able to download free applications, music, videos and other files to your network without restriction?
  • Do you force employees to choose strong passwords? To change them frequently?
  • Are you unknowingly exposing your company to fines and litigation under new [Tennessee] data-breach laws by storing "sensitive" data (like credit cards, e-mail addresses, patient information, etc.) on USB or tape drives you take out of the office that are not properly secured?
  • Have you talked to your bank about blocking overseas wire transfers, locking down debit cards and putting limits on drafts? Businesses are NOT protected from fraud like consumers are - ask your bank and you'll be shocked to discover that if your account is compromised, they are NOT liable for getting the funds back.

These are just a FEW of the things
we'll look at during this Free Audit

After the audit is done, we'll prepare a customized "Report Of Findings" that will reveal specific vulnerabilities and provide a Prioritized Action Plan for getting these security problems addressed fast. This second meeting should be a real eye-opener for you since almost all of the businesses we've done this for discover they are completely exposed in a number of areas to various threats.

If you see the value in engaging beyond that, great! We can talk about it at that time. If you don't want to become a client - that's OK too. And like I said, there's no charge for this.

Simply complete the form on this page to get started!

  • Fill Out This Form
    To Claim Your FREE
    Cyber-Security Audit

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Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.

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